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Track ITR Status

Enter your ITR Acknowledgement Number to track ITR status

Enter the following details


  1. You will receive the ITR acknowledgment number once you successfully file your Income Tax Return.
  2. Quicko does not store your Acknowledgement Number and Mobile Number.

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How does this tool work?

The "Track ITR status" is an online tool developed by Quicko to help taxpayers check the status of the ITR filed. User needs to enter the Acknowledgement Number of the ITR filed and their phone number. For verification, the taxpayer would need to enter the OTP sent to the mobile number and click on verify. The tool will show the current status of the ITR filed.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Income Tax Return (ITR) Status and why is it important?

ITR Status is the current stage of your Income Tax Return filed. After a taxpayer has filed and e-Verified their ITR then it is taken up for processing by the ITD. It is important to check periodically your ITR status and determine whether any action is required from your end.

Where can I find my acknowledgement number to check ITR status?

You can check the acknowledgement number from the ITR-V received on your registered email after the ITR is filed. Alternatively you can login on the e-Filing portal and find the same under e-File> Income Tax Returns> View Filed Returns option.

What are the different types of ITR status in India?

There are various types of ITR statuses in India, some of the most common ITR statuses are: 1. ITR-V Received 2. Return submitted and pending for e-verification 3. Successfully e-Verified 4. Defective 5. Under processing 6. Refund issued etc.

What does Return submitted and pending for e-Verification mean?

The ITR status of 'Return submitted and pending for e-Verification’ is shown when ITR is filed, but verification of return is not done. ITR is taken up for processing only after e-Verification is done successfully. Verification can be done online or by sending a signed copy of the acknowledgment to CPC Bangalore via post.

What does the ITR status of ITR-V Received mean?

If your ITR status is ‘ITR-V received’, it means a copy of ITR-V sent by you via post is received by the Income Tax Department. No further action is required from the your end. This status will change once ITR is processed by the department.

What does the ITR status of Successfully e-Verified mean?

The ITR status of ‘Successfully e-Verified’ means your Income Tax Return for a particular financial year is filed and e-Verified. No further action is required. Once your ITR will be processed by the income tax department this status will change to ITR Processed.

What does ITR status as Defective mean?

If your ITR status is ‘Defective’, it means there is some discrepancy in the ITR. In such a case, you will receive a notice from the Income Tax Department (ITD) on your registered email id with the type of discrepancy found in your ITR. The next course of action is to rectify the defect within 15 days. If you don't respond your ITR will be treated as invalid.

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